Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Transformation in Christ

But we all, with faces unveiled, are being transformed into His likeness, from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18).

As we gaze steadfastly at Christ, Who is the Light of the world, we are transformed slowly into His image, until we ourselves become filled with light.  At first, we cannot see any transformation at all, the change that others immediately see but do not know how to explain.  We are still burdened with all our former thoughts and attitudes, strongholds that will gradually dissolve to nothing as the Light of the world continues to shine in us and on us.

What is required is not that we "strive for perfection," (as we cannot overcome what has held us in slavery for so long), but only that we continue to gaze "full in His wonderful face" and to contemplate His beauty and glory.  As we do so, we are gradually transformed into His image, He who is the exact image of the invisible God, whose face He came to reveal.  And He has given us the power to become children of that wonderful Father, children whose faces resemble their Father in heaven.

Since only He knows what the Father loks like, only He has the power to transform us into the glory and image of God.  We do not know how He is doing it; we do not have to know where we are on the journey---whether close or far away---we simply have to continue gazing at Him who has the authority to bring all things under His marvelous power and control.

And at the end, we will say with Him:  He has done it; it is finished.

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