Friday, February 15, 2019

Learning to Pray

O my God, I do not know my right hand from my left,
nor do I know the end from the beginning.
I do not know how to pray to You,
You, the Alpha and the Omega--
the Beginning and the End of all Truth,
of all Creation.
But I trust
That You, the Incarnate Word,
Who takes on flesh,
will train my mind and my will
to know You and to choose You 
above all else.

No one has ever seen God,
but His Word was made flesh and dwelt among us
that we might see His Glory and understand
the Incomprehensible,
the Unknowable,
the Holy and Pure of Spirit.

He has made known to us
the Invisible Godhead
because He is the Exact Image
of the Invisible God.

And He will continue to make known to us
the Love of the Father,
Who speaks in us
His Son,
and Who breathes in us
His Spirit.