Saturday, April 29, 2023

No Condemnation

 Now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...(Rom.8:1)

We were made to be inhabited... not to be alone:  The one thing that was "Not Good" at the dawn of creation was that man was alone.  There is no greater joy in this life than knowing that we are not alone --- that we are one with another in mind, heart, and spirit.  Different, yes; opposite, no.  We yearn to be with those who love us, accept us, find joy in our presence as we do in theirs.  

What separates us is judgment, criticism, condemnation, non-acceptance of who we are, what we think, what we do.  And then fear overtakes us -- fear of more judgment, of more criticism, of more rejection.  And we back away, become alone again, knowing that we can trust only ourselves, not another.  The ancient name for the Devil was lo diabolo, meaning to "throw apart," to separate.  What separates us from one another is literally diabolic.

God came in the flesh seeking union with us, made in His image and likeness:  The Son of Man came not to condemn, but to seek and to save what was lost.  Sin separates us from God so that we are no longer one spirit, one mind, one heart with Him.  And His overflowing love can no longer flow through us to those around us.  The urge to criticize, to look down on, to condemn and to separate seems to be natural part of our makeup -- but it is not the "image and likeness" of God for which we were destined.  

Many "solutions" have arisen from mankind:  mindfulness, meditation, Buddhism, The Power of Positive Thinking.....  But what is bred into our genetic makeup over centuries is not easily dislodged.  Paul says in Romans 7 that if he does anyway what he has determined not to do, there is a power within him stronger than he is:  Unhappy man that I am!  Who will save me from this body of death?

But thanks be to God!  It has already been done --- there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  The law of the Spirit of life has set you free from the spirit of death!

God desires to be One with us in heart, mind, and spirit.  And so "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  In the sacrament of the Eucharist, He becomes one with us without rejection.  Little by little, His Spirit in us causes us to throw away useless ideas and behaviors, gradually transforming us into His very likeness.  His death was our death to the things that separate us from the love of God and of one another.  Even our utmost rejection of His Spirit was overcome in the Resurrection.  We are made new creatures, created once again according to the Divine Image!

Friday, April 7, 2023

An Awesome Power

 Whenever you go into a house, first say, "Peace to this house." 
If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you.

Jesus is called "The Prince of Peace."  The Jews do not recognize Him as Messiah because He has not brought universal peace, according to Isaiah 9:7.  However, at the Last Supper, He said to His disciples, "My peace I give to you; I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  That peace is recognizable; it belongs to those who belong to Him.  It is the Pearl of Great Price for which a person will give all that he has.

The Peace which Isaiah prophesied of the Messiah belongs to his followers -- and it is spread from one to another.  It is possible to pass on that peace to others -- an awesome power, as only God can give peace.  

Last night, we celebrated Holy Thursday-- the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist.  After the ceremony, a few people (about 30) gathered in a small room where the Blessed Sacrament -- the Presence of Jesus -- would be temporarily kept.  Our tradition is that the Eucharist is removed from the church on Holy Thursday, as Jesus departed from the Upper Room for the Garden of Olives.  We are invited to spend some time with Him in prayer that night.

The Peace that descended on all present last night was palpable.  It could be felt --- even "heard," in a way.  At first, I thought it was just my own peace that was so profound it felt what heaven must be like.  Gradually, however, I began to realize how absolutely still the room was.  Never have I encountered such a presence of silence; in a sense, it was "heavy" in that it permeated every person with profound stillness. No one coughed, reached for a handkerchief, looked around, or even read from a book.  There were books held on laps, but everyone seemed totally absorbed in profound silence and peace.  

This morning, I realized what Jesus meant when He said, "My peace I give to you."  It is possible for us to pass on that peace to others -- if they are people of peace themselves.  It is a palpable gift.  If we cannot pass on peace, then it returns to us.  It seems to me that this peace could disarm nations -- and then that universal peace promised by Isaiah would proclaim Jesus as Lord and Messiah!