Sunday, April 8, 2012

God Speaks to the Soul

Way down deep in the recesses of our hearts, there is a tiny, almost indistinguishable, spark -- not really yet a flame, but a persistent spark waiting to be noticed.  "I think I'd like to.....;"   "Maybe I could...;"   "What if.....?"

Immediately as we feel the spark, we extinguish it:  But I couldn't;   it would be impossible;   I don't think so;    What would people think?   I've got too much going on now;     How could I.........?

The spark re-kindles.  This time, it lingers a bit longer, and takes from us more argument against it.  More rationalization.  More reasons why it would never happen......    Again, we firmly douse the would-be flame in our hearts.

But it does not go away.  Persistently, it does not accept our firm decision to ignore it.  It comes back again, burning quietly this time -- more than a spark:  Why couldn't I......;   I think maybe....   No, No; let's just leave well enough alone.

Quiet persistence.  Unyielding to our best arguments.  God is preparing the way for a new thing in us.
He refuses to be put off, but still, the choice is ours.  "Come," He says, "I'll show you the way."  And still, we hesitate. 

He will not force us.  He knows exactly how long it will take for us to yield to Him.  He waits.  And He waits some more.  He knows that He will win in the end. 

Finally, our tentative, wavering "Yes, let it be done unto me according to your word."  And the spark in us bursts into flame.  It surprises us; it carries us along.  We did not think we could do it, but it is being done somehow in us.  We laugh for joy.  If only we had known all along how easy it would be!

God laughs, too.  "I told you so," He says.  "I told you so!"

1 comment:

  1. How often we say if I had only known then what I know now. Once I knew about the Man now I know the Man. How blessed we are.Thank you Jesus.
