Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why Do I Need the Helper?

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you...(Acts 1:8).

Jesus embarked on His earthly ministry only after "the Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove" as He was undergoing baptism at the hand of his cousin John.

The apostles huddled together in a locked room for nine days after Jesus ascended; when the Holy Spirit came in the form of fire, they were set on fire themselves and openly witnessed to all they had seen and heard in Jesus of Nazareth.

As "good" as we are in ourselves, when we attempt any good thing---any church work, any ministry, any truth-telling---solely through our own devices, talent, organizational structure, etc., we are like those building the Tower of Babel.  We have the "power" only to confuse the issue.  When the wind and flame of the Holy Spirit drive us, though we speak in "foreign tongues," people understand, as on the Day of Pentecost.

Dwight Moody, the great evangelist of the 1800's in Chicago, described himself as a "great hustler," naturally talented at drawing crowds.  But two women used to sit on the front row of his meetings and pray during his talks.  Finally, he asked them about it:  "We are praying for you," they replied.  "For me?" he asked, a little annoyed.  "You need the power of the Spirit," they answered.  He couldn't believe it, but weeks later, he asked them to explain what they meant.  They told him about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and prayed with him for power to minister.

At first, all he noticed was a growing hunger for this "power for service."  Then, one day on Wall Street in the midst of bustling crowds, the power of God fell on him so strongly that he knew he had to get off the street and be alone for awhile.  Afterwards, he stopped "hustling" and began to follow the Spirit.  He says he did not preach anything different, but people were converted by the hundreds.  He lived another 28 years after that, and his work lives on today.

                      (summarized from Marshall: The Helper, Chapter 2)

All of us want something badly.  Moses wanted to free his people from the harshness and cruelty of their Egyptian masters.  Abraham wanted a child to inherit his name and his wealth.  The prophets wanted the leaders of Israel to stop accepting bribes and running over the poor. 

The desire God has placed within us for justice and righteousness fails to achieve when we do it on our own---in our own strength, power of persuasion, etc.  The Apostles may have wanted to tell people about Jesus, but seeing what had happened to Him, they were understandably afraid.  When the Holy Spirit comes, you shall receive [the] power [to accomplish your deepest desires].

Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers ...against spiritual forces in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).
No wonder we have no strength, intelligence, talent, or power to overcome "the powers of this dark world" on our own.  If anyone wants true ministry--deliverance---for those they love, they need the power given only by the Holy Spirit. 

The Apostles waited in prayer with Mary and others for nine days.  Can we not set ourselves apart for prayer too, for the power given by the Spirit?

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