Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More on the Wisdom of the Sabbeth

I said yesterday that the only reason for a day of "stopping" once a week was the Book of Genesis.  There is another reason, too, but it has taken science 4000 years to figure it out.  It seems that our bio-rhythms are not actually matched to the 24-hour cycle of the earth, but instead our bodily rhythms are more closely aligned to a 23-hour cycle.  That means that once every 7 days, we need to stop and breathe, so to speak---to allow our bio-rhythms to catch up to our daily routines. 

We need a day to sleep later (if we don't have dogs or babies), to gear downward, to nap in the afternoon, to gaze at the sky and lazy clouds.  Slowing down once a week allows our bodies to re-adjust to the 24-hour cycle in which we live.

Jesus said, "Man was not made for the Sabbeth, but the Sabbeth for man."  There are many things in the Bible that we don't "get" for a long time.  In this case, our scientific inquiry has finally allowed us to catch up with, and understand, the wisdom of God.


  1. How is it that we have also found a way to fill up our sabbath with restrictive ritual rather than allowing The Holy Spirit to enter in any guise that is available to our senses?

  2. One woman's restrictive ritual is another's welcome sanctuarial feast for the spirit. I keep going back to that image of showing up at grandma's for Sunday supper every week. It just took me a very long time to perceive the ritual as such a feast.
