Monday, September 11, 2023

He Saves Me Time

 One of the "gifts" the Holy Spirit brings to us is "practicality."  He who drew order out of chaos can also order our lives.  I once heard someone say, "I don't have time not to pray."  I get that.  When I was working, I had to wake up hours early to start the day with prayer because I had so much to do that I knew I could not get it done without divine guidance on a daily basis.  

Now that I am retired, time is no longer the crunch factor, so I tend to drift without much planning.  But still, I find the need for divine guidance on a daily basis.  Now that the awful heat of summer has broken and there is a little coolness in the air, I am ready to enjoy my garden.  I woke up this morning thinking I would go to Lowe's and survey their new fall plants before I got too dirty and too exhausted from working outside.  As I was getting dressed, I began to pray, "Lord, direct my feet into the way of peace."  I often say this prayer because I find the Holy Spirit frequently leads me physically even before my head catches up to the plan.  I don't always "plan" the best course of action, but I find the Lord leads me into green pastures and beside still waters without my knowing it ahead of time.

As I prayed. I suddenly realized that I had an appointment this afternoon to have the car serviced -- at a location just past Lowe's --- and that I could stop at the garden center on my way home.  Oh!  Yes!  Much more efficient than running out there this morning when I could be in the garden instead.  

Guide my feet into the way of peace. Such a short prayer, but so much better than a planning session!

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