Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing, and perfect will (Romans 12:2).
A renewed mind is Presence-focused.  Train your mind to seek Me in every moment, every situation....I am always present in your spirit.  Seek My Face, speak to Me, and I will light up your mind (Jesus Calling, Feb. 2).
"So what's wrong with knowledge?" one of my students asked one day.  "Why doesn't God want us to have knowledge?"  This question was in reference to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis, the one tree in the Garden from which Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat.  Contrasting that tree was the "Tree of Life" in the center of the Garden, from which they were allowed to partake freely. 
The day I began to read the Book of Proverbs, I discovered an electrifying idea:  [Wisdom] is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed (3:18).  In order to get the full impact of this statement, it helps to continue reading Proverbs, especially 4-8, and the Book of Wisdom also.  In other words, the Tree of Life in the Garden is the Tree of Wisdom!
Coupled with the idea of Proverbs 4:13, we begin at last to understand something about the reading from Genesis and human nature:  Guard well your heart, for out of it flow all the issues of life, or an alternate reading might be:  Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
When the Bible speaks about the "heart," the reference is always to the "spirit," or the "inner man"  -- that part of us in closest connection with the Holy Spirit.  A couple of days ago, I wrote about the difference between "soul" and "spirit."  And our choice as human beings is to live according to the soul or to "keep in step with" (be led by) the Spirit of God.  Hence the difference between the Tree of Life (Wisdom) and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  To live by Wisdom is LIFE to man; to live by Knowledge is certain death.
One more distinction should be made:  when the Bible uses the word "knowledge," it always means "intimacy with," not just head knowledge or book learning.  For example, the Scripture says that Adam "knew" Eve, and she conceived.  To "know" is to embrace, to become one with.  So our choice is to become one with the world and what it offers us, or to become one with the Spirit of God, who teaches us which way to go, despite all outward appearances:  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:6).
With our minds, we can "see" only what is apparent to us.  The myth of the "poison apple" in Sleeping Beauty in a good example:  our eyes behold luscious fruit; we cannot see the hidden danger  --- unless we are warned by the Holy Spirit speaking in our spirit.  If we believe our senses, we are doomed.  If we adhere to the Spirit of God leading us to Truth, we are saved.
I usually represent the tripartite human complex as three concentric circles, with the largest, outer circle representing the physical part of us, and the smallest, inner circle representing the spirit in us.  In between the two is the "soul," comprised of mind, emotions, and will (choice).  Our "choice" at every moment is to adhere to what our physical senses are telling us or to turn inward, seeking the Face of God and listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit advising us and telling us where to go and what to do. 
If we follow the Spirit, He will "light up our minds," giving us wisdom and understanding of the things we see.  This wisdom can never be gleaned through books or other people -- unless they themselves have been directed by the Spirit of God. 
Next time, I will explore a little further the differences between soul and spirit.

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