Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Helper

Back in the feminist movement of the 70's, it became fashionable to bristle at the passage from Genesis where God creates for man a suitable "helper," as if in some way the term implied inferiority on the part of woman.  (Actually, from the standpoint of the New Testament, we can see the "type" or pattern of Christ, from whose side was drawn His bride, the church, as He "slept" on the cross.)

But to return to the term "helper."  In Exodus 18:4, we find Moses naming his second son Eliezer, meaning "My God is helper," for Moses said, "My father's God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharoah."  And Psalm 27 says, "Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper" (v. 9).   In both cases, the Hebrew term for God as "Helper" is the same one as the word used for Eve in Genesis. 

When Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, He used a term in Greek (or perhaps Aramaic translated into Greek) that has been translated alternatively as "Counselor," "Advocate," or "Helper."  The role of the Holy Spirit is the Presence of God in our daily lives as "Helper," or "Assistant."  There is a famous book written by Catherine Marshall called The Helper.  In it, Marshall records the many and various ways the Holy Spirit is present to us and assisting us in the smallest details of our lives.  Nothing is too "small" for His attention.

A couple of days ago, I cooked a large pot of gumbo.  After we had eaten lunch, I left the remainder in a storage container on the counter to cool off, thinking it too hot to put away.  I rested for about half an hour, and then decided to take my computer into Gulfport for repairs.  As I was walking out the door, I suddenly remembered that I needed to take a card with me in case I stopped at another store along the way.  As I passed through the kitchen, I spotted the gumbo still sitting on the counter.  Had I left the house and not returned for several hours, I would have had to throw it away. Of course, I thanked the Holy Spirit, my "rememberancer."

Day after day, I find the Holy Spirit ordering my life efficiently, saving me time, rescuing me from my own distractions and weaknesses, and revealing things I need to know.  Truly, no better Helper could be found, one that "stays closer than a brother," in the words of Proverbs.  Jesus said to the woman at the well, "If you knew the gift of God, you would ask, and I would give you, water springing up to eternal life" (Jn. 4:10).  One of the gifts of God to us is the HELPER, His own Presence in our lives.

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