Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Prophet for Our Time

Someone should remind George Weigel what happened to John the Baptist – and indeed, to all the prophets before him – although I suspect Weigel is well aware of the consequences of his words.

Weigel is the Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington D.C.  So he is not some obscure philosopher hidden away in a university somewhere.  He is “out there,” so to speak, in more than one way.

 In his latest article published this week in the Gulf Pine Catholic, Weigel boldly accuses Obama of blasphemy.  It seems that the President gave an address to Planned Parenthood in its fundraiser on April 26.  Weigel calls Obama’s speech “a line in the sand that those committed to the biblical view of the sanctity of human life cannot ignore – and must challenge.”

 Planned Parenthood euphemistically calls its direct murder of over one thousand babies per day “providing quality health care to women all across America.”  “As if,” Weigel comments, “abortuaries that do not meet the health and safety standards required of your local McDonald’s are contributing to anyone’s health.”  In his speech, the President never had a word of remorse for the millions of “beautiful kids” who have been slaughtered by Planned Parenthood, nor for the mothers suffering from post-abortion trauma.

When Hitler’s minions slaughtered millions of Jews, the German people were terrified to speak out, with very good reason.  They, too, disappeared for taking a stand – as many did.  Today, we ask why not more Germans spoke out against the atrocities.  But Americans line up behind Obama’s “compassion for women” for women today with absolutely no compassion for their murdered infants.

Obama ended his talk with “God bless you…Planned Parenthood.”  Weigel calls this statement “nothing short of blasphemy…..a sin against the Second Commandment.”  The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that it is blasphemous to make use of God’s name to reduce people to servitude, to torture persons or to put them to death – precisely what happens in Planned Parenthood abortuaries.  And, according to Weigel, “the President of the United States has called down the divine blessing” on our national commitment to the most open-ended abortion license possible.

God bless George Weigel for daring to tell us the truth.  And God protect him.  He will need it.

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