Saturday, December 4, 2010

Will the world end tomorrow?

What if we knew for sure that the world would end in 2012, as people fear the Mayan calendar tells us?  Martin Luther said in the 16th century, "Even if I knew for sure the world would end tomorrow, I would plant a tree today." 

I think he had it exactly right.  Even if we knew....which we don't....we need to "be about our Father's business" today, finishing the work at hand.  The Book of Ecclesiates says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your heart." 

That is the only way we continue to have joy and gladness---not worrying about the future, or even tomorrow, but gladly embracing today with all of its tasks and joys and challenges.  If we are studying today, then let us study well and long.  If we are creating a scene of beauty today, then let us continue to create to satisfy the beauty of our souls.  If we are busy saving the world today, it is still worth saving today, even if it ends tomorrow.

I guess then the question becomes, "What are we doing today?" rather than "Will the world end tomorrow?"