Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him (John 14:21).
Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him (14:23).
On that day, you will realize that I am in the Father and you are in me and I in you (14:20)
People who hear God speaking within them are often called "mystics," as if it were some strange phenomenon to communicate with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But Jesus was not the sort of guy to blow smoke and talk nonsense. If he said He (and the Father and the Spirit) would come and make their dwelling in us and reveal truth to us, then this should not be a "mystical" but a "normal" part of the Christian life.
We are as sceptical as were the Pharisees that God would deign to be with us and speak with us throughout our whole lives, so even when it seems that God might be directing us, we don't want to believe it. Here is what Teresa of Avila says about God dwelling within us:
Here all three Persons communicate themselves to it (the soul), speak to it, and explain those words of the Lord in the Gospel: that He and the Father and the Holy Spirit will come to dwell with the soul that loves Him and keeps His commandments.
Oh, God help me! How different is hearing and believing these words from understanding their truth in this way! Each day this soul becomes more amazed, for these Persons never seem to leave it any more, but it clearly beholds, in the way that was mentioned, that they are within it. In the extreme interior, in some place very deep within itself, the nature of which it doesn't know how to explain, because of a lack of learning, it perceives this divine company.
I wonder if we could turn inwards often enough to perceive the indwelling Presence of God within us. I wonder if we could seek His explanation of the things we need to know. I wonder if we could seek His direction for our next step in life. I wonder.....if this would not be, as Watchman Nee called it, "the normal Christian life."
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