Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Friendship with God 2

It is imperative that each one of us cultivate friendship with God: 

Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).

God Himself will "fix" our situations if we only allow Him the freedom to do so.  We have chained the Holy Spirit so that He is not free in our lives to do what He wills in us and for us.  But as we give Him freedom and permission to act in us, He also unbinds us from our chains of ignorance, stupidity, blindness and hard-heartedness. 

We must allow the Holy Spirit freedom to pray in us and for us, for we ourselves hardly know how to pray.  But He prays for us with greater love and friendship than we have for ourselves, much less for others.  He is TRUTH, and of His own essence, He pours out into our hearts and minds.  He leads us into all truth, leaving behind the falsehoods we have told ourselves and others.  As one unties difficult knots, so the Holy Spirit gradually frees our souls from from the chains of darkness, fear, and evil.  To be friends with God is to be free at last!

Jesus said, "If you knew the Gift of God (by which He meant the Gift of the Holy Spirit), and who it is that speaks with you, you would ask Him, and He would give you a fountain of living water springing up to eternal life."  Let us ask for the Gift of Friendship with God, for He can never fail or disappoint us in this life or in the next.

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