Saturday, December 25, 2010

Emmanuel--God With Us

God in human history---God entering into my history---what wonderous news!

The Greeks had an inkling and a hope, with their laws of hospitality based on the hope and belief that the gods might appear in human form and show up at their door or campsite.  Not wanting to run the risk of offending the gods, they welcomed strangers and treated them as honored guests.

We, on the other hand, even though we know "all about" Jesus entering into human history 2000 years ago, can hardly bring ourselves to hope or believe that God might deign at this moment to appear at our door---to enter our history.  We struggle on in the same patterns, maybe crying out to God on High to hear us, but still do not know He is here with us, that He has heard our cry, and even now is moving on our behalf.

The child-like wonder of the creche is rapidly disappearing from our world, replaced with tinsel, shopping centers, and fake Santas.  But if we could find a quiet spot in which to gaze at the wondrous mystery of "God with us," we might begin to believe that He has indeed come into the world---into our world---and that He will never leave us or abandon us.

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