Friday, January 1, 2010

This is the New Year, the beginning....

We all, according to Gregory of Nyssa, have a tendency to stabilize, to fix...we want to recover our past ecstasies, to go, like Marcel Proust, in search of Time Past, to recapture our transitory moments of happiness.

For Gregory, though, the future is always better than the past.  We are not to "preserve" the creation which we are, but to continually open ourselves to the ongoing creative action of our God.  We must leave what we know and go forward to the unknown.  Sin is ultimately the refusal to grow, to put a stop to the movement of the soul to reach out for what is beyond it.  Growth consists in the perpetual penetration into the interior, a perpetual discovery of God. 

Abraham, forgetting what was past, and relying on the promises of God, set out for the country which would be pointed out to him along the way.

We have been redeemed; we are being redeemed; we will continue to be redeemed.  What we are now is evident; what we shall be is still to be revealed.

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