Monday, January 25, 2010

On Enriching our own Soil...

The seeds we plant in the lives of others come from the garden that has grown within us.  We cannot "manufacture" seeds---we can only collect them.  They are produced by mature plants which have been nurtured in our souls over a period of time. 

Jesus said, "For them do I sanctify myself."  Whatever we do in terms of watering our own garden will eventually spill over into the lives of other people (Sirach 24).  If we dedicate ourselves to truth, will will be responsible for the spread of truth throughout the universe, for the seeds we nurture will spring forth and produce more seeds after their own kind.


  1. Too bad so much of the DNA of the seeds has been so engineered as to render the seeds unable to bear any true fruit. Mamie saves her seeds from year to year to keep from having her crop strains corrupted by the big agricultural companies. I can still find the seed of my true faith in my six-year-old self, thank God.This is what I wan to pass down, my six-year-old faith when I shed tears for hurting Little Baby Jesus.

  2. Does Mamie have enough seeds to share? I worry about what will happen when all the Mamies out there die out---the big ag companies will then have their monopolies and we won't have any "true seeds" left.
