Friday, January 8, 2010

Come apart and rest

God said, "Let the earth (the word is adamah in Hebrew) produce growing things"...and so it was: the earth produced growing things-plants bearing their own kind of seed and trees bearing fruit, each with its own kind of seed; and God saw that it was good.

The earth/adamah produces vegetation without knowing how--by absorbing the sun and rain and allowing them to do the work intended and designed by the One Who made them. 

Work flowing from rest and contemplation is the work of God Himself.  We do not need to "earn" rest; we need to rest before we work---it is the gift of God.  We need to "soak up" energy from God Himself.  Mary said, "Let it be done unto me according to Your word."  Notice she does not say, "Let me do according to your direction," but "Let it be done..."  The difference is who is doing the work and who is the channel for the energy. 


  1. What a wonderful reframing reflection! I always marvel at the people who drive around with bumper stickers reading, "God is my co-pilot." I want one that reads, "God is my pilot. I sometimes get to be co-pilot"

  2. How about "God is my pilot, and His driving sometimes scares the hell out of me!"?
