Tuesday, January 5, 2010

At the well

"My food is to do the will of the Father and to accomplish all that He gives me."

Jesus was sitting beside the well and speaking to the Samaritan woman just before speaking these words.  He obviously believed that the woman had been sent to the well by His Father, Who "is at work even now." 

Deborah, one of the judges of Israel, sat under a tree and spoke the words of God to those who came to her.  Enoch walked with God until God took him home. 

We cannot tell what God is doing, but He is obviously able to use those who walk with Him, sit with Him, and stand with Him.  In the world of the Spirit, we cannot tell which of our efforts will succeed; we can do only what is given to us by the One Whose work it is. 

Therese of Lisieux longed to be a missionary.  She died at the age of 24 behind cloister walls---and is now the patron saint of missionaries.

A good friend once gave me a plaque that said, I want to sit by the side of the road and be a friend to man.  If it is God's friendship, somehow mysteriously wrapped up in ours, that we hold out to the passerby, we can be sure it will satisfy his hunger and thirst.

1 comment:

  1. This so beautifully explains to reason why the love you and Chuck have given me all these years has felt so filling to my soul.
