Bishop Robert Barron has said that God is like a helicopter pilot, hovering over our lives, looking for a place to land.
Father John Riccardo has described God's action in our lives as an "Invasion," comparable to the landing on the Normandy beaches during WWII.
We often think of man searching for God, but the truth is that God has been searching for us from the beginning. As in the Book of Exodus, He has seen our captivity; He has heard our cries, and He has sent Someone to rescue us.
When Brittany Griner was taken into captivity by Russia last year -- by her own fault, she admits -- the USA did not rest until our country had re-claimed its own citizen. Unfortunately, the Pharoah of Russia has been resistant and too strong against USA pressure to release other American prisoners. When Brittany Griner, who at one time used her fame to protest against America, thinks of "home" now, she thinks of freedom, peace, joy, and rest --- and she speaks of the USA with tears of gratitude.
All of us have been held captive to and by Satan and the "kingdom of this world." We have all served a god other than the Creator of heaven and earth, with the result that we have lost a sense of the "home" for which we were made -- a place of peace, a place of joy, freedom, and rest.
The night before He died, Jesus said, "My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives it; do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid" (Jn. 14). "In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart; I have overcome the world" (Jn 16).
The invasion at Normandy meant that hundreds of soldiers would lay down their lives to free France, England, and other European countries from the dominion of an evil oppressor. God's invasion of our lives means that Jesus would also lay down His life --- and then take up an entirely new life, free from the oppression of Satan. And that is the life He offers to us -- freedom, "Home," peace, joy, friendship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
When I think of all those still held captive by the systems of this world, those held in slavery to traffickers, oppressors, greed, war, slavery, alcohol, drugs, oppression, depression......I cannot help but cry out, "Come, Lord Jesus! deliver us from evil and give us the life of grace, peace, and joy that only You can give!"
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