I sought the Lord and he answered me;
He delivered me from all my fears (Ps. 34)
He delivered me from all my fears (Ps. 34)
If you knew the gift of God, Jesus told the lonely woman at the well, if you knew the gift of God, and who it is who asks you for a drink, you would ask me, and I would give you living water." (Jn. 4:10).
The "Gift" of which He spoke was the Holy Spirit, a meaning that unfolds a few chapters later, in John 7. We fail to ask for that Gift because we really don't know what it means for us -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, self-control. These are called "the fruits of the Holy Spirit" because they come to us only by the indwelling spirit of Jesus Himself in us. In other words, we cannot give these gifts to ourselves or attain them by discipline and practice.
Oh, I don't deny that we can practice self-control, for example, and reign in our anger, resentment, hostility, etc. for awhile-- perhaps for a lifetime even. In the same way, we can practice patience for awhile, but whether that "practice" produces in us gentleness, joy, and peace -- well, I have my doubts.
Before someone prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit, I had tried transcendental meditation, yoga, and the power of positive thinking --- all of which served me well as long as no one aggravated me. (Yes, I know the proper term is "annoyed" here, but aggravated is more descriptive.) Trying to meet the demands of three children under the age of 5, all of whom had chronic illness of one kind or another, defeated all my efforts to maintain equilibrium.
And we have not yet spoken about fear, or fears. Who can deliver us from fear? Fear of illness, fear of not having enough money, fear of public opinion, fear of not being adequate for the task at hand, fear of failure.....the list is endless. Psalm 34 says, "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; He delivered me from all my fears." Now that would be a GIFT, if it were true! What would anyone give to be delivered from fear?
And that indeed is the Gift promised and given to us when we ask for the Gift of the Father (see Matthew 7 and Luke 11). Instead of fear, we are given the "gifts" of the Holy Spirit to help us face life: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Recently, I came across a passage from Sirach: Those who fear the Lord will understand truth. First of all, "fear of the Lord" should be understood as reverence for the Lord. And that itself is a gift of the Holy Spirit. "Understanding truth" is a good way to understand wisdom, knowledge, counsel, etc. Isaiah 29 says this: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it." If we have confidence in the guidance of the Holy Spirit at every turn, our fears will eventually diminish, and we can walk safely through the turmoils of life.
When I was 20, someone prayed for me that I might have joy. Little then did I realize what a gift joy would be to me, especially now that I am 80, and death is nearer now than it was at 20. My body fails, my mind gives way, my spirit falters at times --- but the Gift of God is not diminished in me. Joy is forever!
My mother remembers the irrepressible giggling of joy, in a group of nuns visiting Padre Pio's shrine, and she felt the champagne of the Holy Spirit bubbling toe to head during her conversion.