Saturday, December 24, 2022

Divine Providence

 I shall return to the theme of Living Water, but now to interrupt for a "commercial break" on Divine Providence, ever with us, ever solicitous for us.....

During our recent move, things which we don't use every day ended up in new storage spaces.  Whenever we need a little-used item, we have to think about where we might have stored it and go looking until we find it.  

A couple of weeks ago, I was working in the garden and went into the tool shed to pull out a rake.  I noticed then a round bin with tall miscellaneous items -- poles for tying up vines, small rakes and hoes, etc.  Among the items there I noticed a walking cane that had belonged to my mother years ago.  It had been previously stored in the attic and I always knew where it was.  How it ended up in the tool shed when we moved is anyone's guess.  If I had needed it, I would have looked in the garage, in the storeroom, in closets -- but never in the tool shed.  Anyway, I pulled the cane out and hung it on a shelf, thinking we might need it eventually, as my husband had fallen a couple of times recently.

The next day, my right knee started collapsing as I walked, just a few times at first and then regularly.  Each time, I felt as if I might fall, so I headed for the tool shed to get the cane I had found the previous day, thanking God that He had provided what I needed before I knew I needed it!

 A visit to the doctor and an MRI indicated that I had a stress fracture and a torn meniscus and now need a leg brace and a walker for the next 6 to 12 weeks.  Amazingly, a wonderful neighbor had given us a really nice walker during our move.  Her husband had died about a year ago, and she knew my husband had fallen recently, so she graciously passed on his walker to us.  Once again, God had provided what I needed before I knew I needed it!  I could begin using it without delay.

I know that God is our provider -- Jesus taught us to pray for "our daily bread," and He said, "your Father knows what you need before you ask."  But rarely do we "see" His provision in our daily lives.  We are so used to providing for ourselves.  Those who have experienced hurricanes and other natural disasters are probably closer to the truth of God's provision than the rest of us.  And there is great truth to the first beatitude:  Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.  "Poor in spirit" may have little or nothing to do with actual poverty, but the actual poor are much closer to the truth than those who think they have no need of God's daily provision.

Could I have provided my own cane and walker?  Yes, but having them right at hand at the moment I needed them caused me to overflow with praise and thanksgiving for the God who "goes before and behind us," directing our steps in His providence.  There is a passage in Scripture that says, "When Israel was a child,... I taught him to walk, taking them by the arms" (Hosea 11).  I am depending on Him doing the same in my old age!

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