Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Sabbath Rest

It's time to re-set our biological clocks; it's time to refresh our minds from the weekday routes.  The Sabbath is the "sign of the covenant" between God and mankind.  The word "Sabbath" means "stopping."  Of course, when one is responsible for farm animals or for children, there is no "stopping" in the sense of resting -- but there can still be a change of pace, a slowing down from "Hurry and eat your breakfast; you'll be late for school."

"Stopping" means taking time to allow our natural man -- our bodies, minds, and souls -- connect with the spirit that is in us.  It is a time to "see" what we cannot see all week -- the colors of the sky, the play of light on a leaf, a bird drinking from a dish in the back yard.  It is a time not to produce, but to receive what is given to us to enjoy.  It is a time to think deeply, or not at all; a time to open our spirits to the voice of the Eternal Spirit.  The Sabbath means church for some, a walk along the beach for others, a time to read something that stirs the heart, mind, and soul for more than material joys.

The Sabbath means a special meal to be shared with friends and family, and not to be rushed through.  It means an afternoon nap -- even though one may be retired and free to nap anytime during the week.  This nap is a celebration, not a necessity.  It says, "I am free; I am not a slave to any man or to any production or project."

The Sabbath means slowing down in order to connect the week's thoughts, projects, plans to those of God Himself:  "What do You think about that?" we ask.  Sometimes, He even answers us.  The Sabbath is recognition par excellence that "man does not live by bread alone"  -- or even by his own thoughts.  It is an opening of the deepest part of ourselves to something larger than we are; it is a drinking in of all the love and goodness we can hold, and in the process, of expanding our capacity for holding even more. 

When we open ourselves to receive Truth, we go far beyond our own limitations.  Man does not have Life within himself, but he does have the capacity to receive Life from his creator... The same is true of Truth; we do not have Truth within ourselves, but we do have unlimited capacity to receive the Spirit of Truth, if our hearts are pure.  During the week, we operate out of the Truth we have received, but on the Sabbath, we have the opportunity to increase our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding if we are humble enough to receive the Truth from the only One Who can give it to us. 

Those who will not "stop" from their own works, their own truth, their own wisdom are condemned to the limitations of their own experience.  But to those who honor the Sabbath, all these and more are given without limit. 

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