Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Going Into Seclusion

Immediately after being baptized by John at the River Jordan, Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days, where He was tempted by the devil---but where he was also taught by God, coming to the end of his own strength and relying on that which would be given him.

In the same way, St. Paul, after seeing the living Jesus on his way to Damascus, went to Arabia for 2-3 years, where he received revelation from the Lord.  During that time "in the wilderness," he was not preaching and teaching, but listening and learning from the Holy Spirit.  Even after he began his ministry, he was imprisoned many times and "shut down."  But the Spirit of God in him could not be contained by prison bars.

In the Old Testament, Moses too at first spent 40 years in the desert before he received a direct revelation from God and the annointing for his great ministry of leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

Most of those who have been touched by the Spirit of God are anxious to convert others, sometimes with disastrous results.  Part of the ministry is learning to hear and follow the directions of the Spirit---the listening part,---coming to the end of our own passions and strength.  Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts (Zach. 4).

People may be surprised to learn that someone as strong and fiery as Paul or as Moses were not immediately sent by God to convert the world----but unless our own passions cool, we are likely to do more harm than good.  We need to be overtaken and guided and completely under the control of the Holy Spirit if we are to be channels of God's love and grace.  If even Jesus needed 40 days in the wilderness before beginning His public ministry, how can we hope to do anything unless we too have been hidden from view and powerless for a period of time?

Therese of Liseux died at 24, after spending 9 years as a cloistered Carmelite.  Her burning desire was to be a missionary, yet few people ever saw her face or heard her voice.  What she learned during her time with the Lord was this:  My vocation is love!  I will be love!  She learned to allow the Lord to transform her into a channel of love.  Now, she has been named "A Doctor of the Church" and the Patroness of Missionaries.  If ever there was an example of "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," she is it.

Ghandi, Deitrich Bonhoffer, Martin Luther King, and Desmond Tutu all had to learn the "power" of non-violent resistance; they had to learn from God himself, as our flesh always wants to drive the mission in its own strength.  All remained submissive and trusting in the strength of God rather than in themselves---and all achieved even beyond their dreams.  Bonhoffer died in a concentration camp, hanged by order of Hitler as a threat to the German nation---and today is regarded as one of the most powerful voices of the modern age.

When the annointing comes to "set my people free," we should not be surprised if at first we are hidden and powerless, imprisoned and mute.  This is a sure indication that the Spirit Himself is beginning to exert control.  Jesus said, Unless the grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it remains but a grain of wheat.  But if it dies, it produces much fruit.

Prayer:  I want so much to sit at the Helper's feet in the School of Prayer and to be taught by Him.  Show me how to ....be a good pupil.  Amen.  (Prayer of Katherine Marshall in The Helper.)

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