Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jesus didn't come just to "show" us the way to heaven;

every religion, including the Jewish faith, offers a "way" to heaven or eternal life. 

The Jews called it "halakeh," the Way; the Buddists call it "Nirvana," or non-disturbance by the events of the earth, which is all "Illusion/Maya."  For radical Muslims, the "Way" is zeal for the destruction of Allah's enemies, the infidels and for the establishment of cultural change according to Sharia Law.

Among the Christian religions, each one has its own spin on the "Way" to eternal life.  Some live by faith alone; some, by rituals and faith, etc.

All of us, even apart from any religion, seek to establish our own "way," our own kingdom on earth, and we will either exclude or kill in some fashion those who cannot accept our "way," our established form of culture or religion.

But Jesus came to make accessible to us His Own Spirit, the Spirit of love, peace, patience, joy, kindness, generosity, faithful, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22).  This is not "our" kingdom; this is the kingdom of God on earth, and it belongs to those who are willing to surrender their own "way," or kingdom.  Jesus died in the flesh that we and our strong wills might die with Him, but that's not the end of the story.  He rose in the Spirit that we no longer live for ourselves and for our own interests (kingdoms), but for the kingdom of God.

We have all suffered from the evil of someone else who was trying to impose on us their own "way" of life.  From the concentration camps of Hitler's Germany to our own families, someone wanted to impose on us a "kingdom" that caused suffering and harm.  It is hard for all of us to say with Jesus, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" [in imposing this suffering on us].  And all of us have imposed our own form of harm and suffering on others in our attempts to establish our own "Towers of Babel." 

The problem with sin is that it de-sensitizes us to how our selfishness and determination for what we want is causing suffering to others.  Like the disease of leprosy, which destroys the nerve-endings so that we no longer feel pain, sin/selfishness destroys our hearts; the heart literally becomes "hardened" against the pain of others who suffer from our sins.  If we want what we want, we no longer care who around us gets hurt in the process---but we are destroying our own souls along the way also.  Our hearts are becoming leprous, no longer able to be com-passionate, or to suffer along with others.  And what is the cure for a leprous and hardened heart? 

If our hearts are to be made soft again, if we are to be "born again" as little children, if we are to give up our own kingdoms--which will eventually fall anyway--we must surrender our old selves to death, allowing the Spirit of Jesus to take up headquarters in our flesh, establishing His kingdom of justice, peace, joy, kindness, love, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

The Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah because He failed to establish an earthly kingdom of peace, destroying the enemies of Judaism.  But He did destroy their enemies---of hatred, cruelty, oppression---in the human heart.  He has given us His own heart in place of our own. 

1 comment:

  1. It seems that it now up to us, whether we are Jew, Christian, Muslim, or other, to create the House of the Holy Spirit on earth with our own actions.
