There are some things within us
So deep that cannot be expressed;
Some things we just don't know how to say--
The human spirit constantly breaks from restraints to find new forms of creation.
Out of the depths of the heart, we cry
in art,
in poetry,
in beauty,
in anguish---
We break old forms, not satisfied with the limits they hold,
and go forth to lands as yet unexplored,
where the horizon recedes as we advance,
and our souls meet the infinite once again.
The images and dreams God give us hold greater power than the concepts we can form in our minds. The heart holds onto the image longer than the mind can contain an idea. Proverbs 4:23 says, Guard well your heart, for out of it flow all the issues of life.
Most of us have "given up" on childhood dreams and images----they are considered fanciful, unreal. But I think we were given those dreams and images for a reason. I think they hold truth that the mind has not yet grasped.
I was talking to someone in passing last week; how it emerged in a 3-minute conversation that we both had the same dreams as children, I'll never know. But there it was: we both had dreamed at one time that we could fly---not fly, fly, but more float above the earth, both lifted up, not with wings, but more on invisible clouds, so that we could move at will and see at will whatever was on earth beneath us.
Now, she is an artist and I, a teacher---and I think we both have an "inner eye that sees." I do believe our spirits float above the earth, seeing and grasping what we cannot always explain in speech. She must create from within; I must teach from within, as we live out our dreams.
How can we give others the space to live their dreams? How can we re-connect with the powerful images of our childhood, of our spirits?
The best way to reconnect is to stay close to others who haven't forgotten how to "soar withe The Spirit", or have once forgotten and reclaimed this innocence.