Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Love of God

God is close to the broken-hearted,
and those bowed down in spirit He saves.

When I teach, it is the weak and the helpless who draw my love and mercy.  The strong and the sleek make me smile as I enjoy their energy and independence, and I rejoice in their health and strength.  But those bowed down in spirit, without hope, make me want to draw close to them in love and compassion.  I want to pour out in them all that I have and am---all that I myself have received from God.  I want to walk with them, support them, uphold them until they grow strong and sleek and confident and independendent.  I want to show them what they cannot now see---the beauty inside them, who they were meant to be.

Is this not in me the love of God for the world that cannot save itself?

1 comment:

  1. You do exude the Love of The Lord. This is why I'm so drawn to you, as I'm sure is the case with many others.

    It takes great courage and humility to continue to be silently available as they stumble and fall. You continue to do so because you trust that their path is guided by the Holy Spirit, as is your own, and that you will be asked for help when your assistance is needed.
