Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Divine Dynamic

Most of us probably grew up imagining the Divine Dynamic along the lines of God handing down the 10 Commandments which were to be obeyed.  Then, people in authority (Jewish and Christian) would interpret "how" the commands were to be obeyed---i.e., in Jewish terms, "building a fence around the commandments."  For example, exactly how are we to "honor our father and mother"?  What does that mean in this circumstance?  So now we have the Commandments + the rules, or guidelines.  If we are good and obedient, we are rewarded with eternal life; if not, then...well...some kind of punishment.  In the meantime, God stood back and waited to see what we would do.

More accurately, though, is an entirely different kind of dynamic:  God wants us to rule the earth "in His image and likeness,"  with His Spirit.  So He has said to us: "Here are my standards; here is what it means to live as my Image and Likeness on earth---but the only way you can do / be this is to allow my Spirit to dwell in you to carry out my will and purpose for you.  Let me breathe into you and through you every day; be still, and let Me live in you.  I can do it; I will do it; I want to do it.  Don't worry that you cannot do it---I've already taken care of that. 

"Eternal life begins now, because you belong to Me, and I am all you seek.  Don't worry about reward and punishment if you allow Me to express my love through you---you will automatically do all that I command."

C.S. Lewis (again) says, "If we want joy, love, peace, goodness, then we must get close to, and even into, the thing that has them.  These are not trophies that God hands out to the deserving."  This is the stuff of eternal life, a divine dynamic that begins even on earth---but it is "caught," not "earned."  So God is not standing back waiting to see how we are doing in the school of life; He is entering into our lives every day with His Spirit, teaching, correcting, annointing, rewarding, settling, soothing, healing, spilling out of us, transforming our weakness into strength, helping, building up and tearing down---For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of sound mind (2 Tim 1: __).

Who would not want to enter the dance of divine life?  Only those who cannot see it happening right before their eyes---those whom "the god of this world has blinded so that a veil covers their eyes to this very day when the Gospel is read."

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! I love the way you share your Dance with The Divine.
