Saturday, June 19, 2010

He takes it personally

Saul, Saul, why dost thou persecute Me?

With God, it's always personal.  There is nothing about God that is impersonal.  Ecclesiasties says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your heart."  Everything God does is done with all His heart; nothing He does is done with distraction or half-heartedly.  He pours all of Himself into everything He does. 

This is the reason abortion is so devastating; we are destroying not only the work of God, but the hope and desire of God, the heart of God, the mind of God, the will of God.  Does God will rape or incest?  No, but in allowing a new life to form out of the cesspool, He is able to make that life glorious and beautiful.  Our social systems destroy the individual--both mother and child--in the name of convenience and efficiency.  At one time, there were safe havens for "unwed mothers," but now abortion seems to be the only solution to unwanted pregnancy.  Can we believe that this solution is not personal to God?  If He asked why Saul was persecuting Him, will He not also ask us why we are killing Him?

1 comment:

  1. There are still many who believe that children are a punishment for the "sin" of sex, and others who seek to weaken women by impregnating them. When we learn to look at sexuality as something sacred, and not isolate mothers in their times of greatest need, we may see an end to abortion and the sexual sins that lead to this act.
    There are some who feel that sending the unborn back to God is preferable to the sins that they will commit in the abuse of the child before and after birth. The unborn baby will not carry the "sins of the parents" without being brought into the world.
