Guard well your heart,
For out of it flow all the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).
We can depict the whole person as an image of three concentric circles, with the outermost circle, the physical, the most observable and the one most in contact with the world. The middle circle represents what the Greeks called the psyche, the intellect and the emotions, somewhat observable and somewhat hidden. The innermost part of ourselves, and the least observable and most hidden, even to ourselves, is what the Bible calls the heart, or the soul.
We are most aware of and attentive to the physical part of ourselves; we spend a great deal of time feeding ourselves, entertaining and relaxing ourselves, and taking care of our bodies. The psyche, too, wants attention and care. The mind and emotions both want to be "fed," or attended to; we do not want to be bored but stimulated and active intellectually and emotionally. On a psychic level, we crave two things: safety and excitement. The brain is designed to learn, to grow, to take in new information, but can do so only in a safe environment emotionally. So sometimes fears, real or imagined, interfere with learning and growth.
We delight in the physical capabilities of our bodies, but no matter how strong, how swift, our well our bodies operate, attention to the physical part of us cannot satisfy the needs of the psyche, although exercise can help calm the mind and emotions. We now know that the state of the mind itself can also overflow to the body and bring health and healing.
The innermost part of ourselves, the "heart" or the "soul" also needs feeding and attention. If we neglect the interior life, the life of the soul, that neglect will also starve the mind, the emotions, and the body. If we feed the soul, however, our innermost spirits will also "feed" the mind, the emotions, and the body.
The Book of Proverbs tells us again and again that wisdom is the source of all life:
fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones (3:7-8)
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,...
Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who embrace her (3:13-18)
Many people read these words metaphorically, but I read them literally. I know from experience that attention to the inner life will overflow to and satisfy the needs of the mind, the emotions, and the body. The process will not work in reverse.
I love how much of yourself you revealed in this entry. Thank you.