The Word of God is living and active, more powerful than any two-edged sword, cutting through spirit and soul, joints and marrow....
The Word is in us: we are formed and shaped by it; it is living and active, moving, darting swiftly through our bones and our souls, re-arranging DNA and the thoughts of our minds. The Spirit of God and the Word of God are one: as God spoke "Light, BE!" and light was, so the Word of God in us and the Spirit of God in us pushes back the dark, chaotic places of our hearts, minds, and bodies, sending in its place life and light, order, harmony, and beauty.
Once the Word has begun to take root in us and grow in us, many people find it difficult to continue reading and studying the Bible, but the Spirit is now teaching us from within. It is the difference between sitting in a classrom reading a textbook about nature and walking through the woods with a Master Naturalist, who points out every tree and leaf and bird and stream, illuminating the mysteries and inner workings and inter-connections behind everyday wonders.
Allowing the Word of God free reign within us is to frolic in the kingdom of God without fear or anxiety, knowing that the Spirit of God will teach us all things and remind us of Truth in every circumstance.
I love your references to the walk in the woods with a master naturalist. You are one of my favorite master naturalist with whom to walk through the path of the spiritual forest.