All the earth proclaim the Lord; sing your praise to God.
Whoever wrote that psalm must have been in Kentucky and Tennessee at the end of October, when the earth literally sings with the brillance of fall colors. Lunching on a deck looking across the Tennessee River with water so clear I can count the stones on the bottom, I watch one perfect star-shaped leaf float downstream.
Across the River, maybe 100 yards, rises a symphony of yellows, oranges, reds, and shades of green so perfect it feels like a high Mass sung in Latin. At the top of the ridge, the trees reach up for the bluest sky ever created.
The earth shouts for joy in the Presence of God. Why do our small battles drown out its song?
Therese of Lisieux traveled to the mountains of France before entering the cloister at 15, because she said, "Nature opens my soul and makes room for God." Those memories never left her. How poor are those who never see the world in song!
The earth doth magnify the lord and rejoice in God our creator. Thanks for the reminder.