Monday, March 22, 2010

the Humility of God

The Creator of the universe, the Source of all wisdom and truth, is meek and humble of heart.  For Jesus says, "he who sees Me sees the Father."  A bruised reed He does not break, but strengthens. He does not cry aloud in the streets, but His whisper is more powerful than the shouts of the world's mobs.  He lifts up the poor from the dungheap and casts down the rich and the powerful. 

His work is so subtle that, while visible to the smallest child, it is hidden to those who cannot see.  If God wanted us to know Him in His beauty and majesty, it must first be that He had to approach us in the weakness of human flesh.  Else we would not believe that He is so humble as to wash the dust from our feet and to indwell us with His divinity.

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting...and waiting for some of the personal you've shared with me over the years.
