Saturday, December 12, 2009


We say that experience is the best teacher, and that is because experience alone educates the mind, the heart, and the spirit all at once.  The mind cannot embrace truth without the involvement of the heart and the spirit.  "Facts" are dimly grasped unless the heart links them to meaning or universal spiritual truth. 

We will all ultimately learn what we love---those things that capture our hearts and well as our minds.  Our spirits will embrace as true those things that we love:

The person with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

We believe only what we experience.  We may believe that another person has truly had some experience, but that experience is not our own.  This is why God had to enter human history in the person of Jesus Christ.  Unless we have a personal experience of God's love, it is almost impossible to believe that He would have anything at all to do with us.  Once we have experienced His love for ourselves, it becomes impossible to believe anything else.

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