Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Gift

 For years, I thought of the rosary as a long, boring, repetitive prayer.  I had difficulty concentrating on the mysteries, and I would often forget the words, if you can imagine that.  Part of the problem is that I've always been a little contemplative, and I tend to lose words altogether in times of prayer.  

About a year ago, however, a friend was having a medical problem which concerned me greatly.  Not really knowing how to pray for her at that time, I asked Mary to teach me to pray the rosary.  And I went to Bishop Barron's website where he prays the rosary.  What I began to discover at that time was that when I was praying intensely for someone -- interceding -- I had no trouble at all saying the rosary.  My mind was not wandering at all because I was so focused on the needs of another person.

During the past year, I have discovered all the ways the Rosary "works," if you will.  It indeed serves as a gateway to contemplative prayer if you don't resist it, thinking you still need to be saying the words.  It is a wonderful tool for intercession for the needs of others.  Instead of worrying and fretting, we can pray with Mary for help, bringing those we love to the Presence of God.

This morning, I awoke around 3 am with a wide variety of concerns -- so many that I could not focus on even one at a time.  They all seemed to be rushing at me simultaneously:  the illness of a close friend, financial problems of a family member, concern over one of my children, the responsibilities of a church program, etc.  With all of these pressures vying for my attention, it wasn't even possible to make a list of the things I need to do.

I reached over for my rosary, which I keep in the bed with me, and began to pray.  During the first decade, I thought about my friend's illness.  During the second, I concentrated on my child, and continued with that thought throughout the rest of the rosary.  By the end of the "long, repetitive prayer," a plan began to unfold in my mind about something I could do to help.  I finished the rosary in peace, knowing that I was not helpless in the face of all the uncertainties of my life at present.  I felt a sense of calm and peace-- even of mission.

Finally, I have begun to realize Mary's gift to us in a crazy-making world.  It's not that she needs the repetition of 10 "Hail Marys" to hear our prayer; it's that we need to calm down and focus instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed with panic.  The Oriental religions use chants and breathing for the same purpose.  Mary's gift is not centered on ourselves, but on God's Gift to us in Jesus Christ.  He has not left us orphans, to figure out life for ourselves. He is with us to help us in every circumstance.  We just need to turn to Him -- and sometimes, when we are overwhelmed, it's hard to feel that we have been able to do that.  The Rosary helps us to relax -- even to fall asleep, as many people have discovered.

Isaiah 26: 3 says, "Thou will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is stayed on Thee."

I have discovered the truth of that verse through the Gift of the Rosary!

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