As Saint Augustine has observed, all of us want a "blessed life," happiness. We rarely know what it is like or how it will be, but we feel attracted to it. This is a universal hope, common to men and women of all times and all places. The expression "eternal life" aims to give a name to this irrepressible longing; it is not an unending succession of days, but an immersion of oneself in the ocean of infinite love, in which time, before and after, no longer exists. A fullness of life and of joy: it is this that we hope for and await from our being with Christ. (Pope Benedict XVI, Angelus 2008)
Jesus instructed His disciples: Whatever house you enter, first say, "Peace be to this household!" If a son of peace is there, it will remain upon him. If not, it will return to you. (Luke 10:5)
Now the Hebrew word for "Peace" is Shalom. However, "Shalom" means so much more than "Peace." When spoken to friends and family, the word includes the intentions for Safety, Welfare, Health, Prosperity, Quiet, Tranquility, Contentment, and Friendship. This is what Benedict XIV refers to as a "blessed life," happiness, the goal of every man, woman, and child.
In his treatise on the Eucharist (This is My Body), Bishop Robert Barron points out that there are words that describe or explain ("It's a beautiful sunset!), and there are words that create what they express, such as when an umpire cries, "You're OUT! In the book of Genesis, we hear that creation occurred through a series of speech-acts. When God spoke, "LIGHT! BE!" light was. When He said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind," so it happened. The Divine Word is active, creative, and according to Hebrews 4:12, "sharper than any two-edged sword." It does what it says! So when Jesus said, "Peace be to you," it was no idle wish that peace would come to his listeners. It was rather an active, creating word that accomplished what it said (See Is. 55:10-11).
When Jesus said at the Last Supper, "This is my Body," He did not say, "This is a symbol of My Body." He was not describing or explaining; He was creating. His words create what they express! and when we receive what He has created, He brings with Him His own Peace/ Shalom -- the blessed life for which we all hope and pray! Peace be with you!