Fr. James Martin maintains that one of the easiest ways to pray -- or to jumpstart your prayer life -- is to practice the Examen, a simple prayer practice inaugurated by St. Ignatius Loyola. The Examen is an invitation to see where God has been active in your life over the past 24 hours. Usually done at night, we place ourselves in the presence of God (in order not to just ruminate within ourselves, but instead to initiate a conversation.) Then we recall moments of "grace" throughout the day, where God was present to us, and for which we are grateful.
Once I began this practice with the encouragement of a friend, it took only a few days before I began to notice the "grace moments" as they were happening, instead of waiting until the end of the day. And they became moments of joy and gratitude during the day, as well as just before sleep at night. God is always present to us, though we are rarely present to Him. And the Examen takes us readily into His presence throughout the day.
As the Israelites began to move into the Promised Land, they recalled the Divine Choreography that had brought them out of slavery into freedom. Knowing that God had been with them in the past allowed them to recognize times of grace and help in the present and future. One of the ways they commemorated those times of grace was to establish "altars" or pillars of rocks called Ebenezer, meaning "thus far has God helped us." When future generations asked about those monuments, it gave the Israelites opportunity to recall and proclaim the stories of how they had been helped at that time and in that place.
We can use Ignatius' Examen not only at night for the day's events but also as a way to reflect upon our entire lives -- to see the Divine Choreography that has brought us to this place and this moment. Where has God been in your life? What amazing things has He done for you? For what "moments" or events are you ever grateful?
Jump-start your prayer life? This practice of Examen when applied to our entire lives can lead us to leap with gratitude right into the heart of God!
Thank you.