In my office, there is a small nook with a comfortable chair where I can sit and gaze at a variety of family photos --- each one of which brings back a special memory. For some reason this morning, as I sat in my office, I began thinking about all the statues in our church, especially the one of St. Francis Xavier, missionary to the Orient. I am sure he is there because our church includes a large Vietnamese population who are greatly devoted to this saint.
With the plethora of saints closer to home, I would not ordinarily think of St. Francis Xavier. However, I know the outlines of his story, and remembering his courage, I said a quick prayer to him this morning, asking for the grace to meet others as they are, adapting to their ways rather than insisting on my way.
The brief experience this morning caused me to reflect on the criticism which some Protestants will throw at the Catholic church -- for "worshipping statues." The statues (along with pictures and relics) bring back family memories for those of us who know the stories. They remind us that there are people out there who love us -- because we belong to the same family -- and who are ready to help us. We are inspired by their stories and example; we are given hope in situations that they had to overcome themselves.
Upon her deathbed, St. Therese of Lisieux said, "I will spend my heaven doing good for those on earth." Those in heaven are still close to us. They still pray for us and send assistance when we ask for their help. But not only the canonized saints -- the same is true for the ordinary saints, those who died full of faith and hope in Jesus Christ.
As my mother was taken into surgery during the last week of her life, she raised her hand. The nurses called to me that she wanted me, and as I turned around, I saw her make a large sign of the cross in blessing. I understood at that moment that her blessing was not only for me, but for all of her children. Should not her blessing continue in heaven?
There is a familiar saying, "out of sight, out of mind." Our statues remind us of those family members who still love and bless us from heaven, even though we may not think of them because they belong to past ages. Without those reminders, we might remain forever ignorant of our rich inheritance and the graces available to us through their intercession. There are people out there who love us; it would be wonderful if all of us could say, "I have friends in high places!"
Great post. You reminded me of all of my friends in high places. Thank you. 🤗❤️