Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Mystical Experience and Everyday People

 Sometimes things come together in just the right way to make us catch our breath.  This morning was one of those moments.  I had just read an article by Father Ron Rolheiser, who has a way of always hitting the nail on the head.  The title of his article was "Mystical Experience and Everyday People."  In it, he said, Mysticism...normally has nothing to do with visions, altered states of consciousness, or states of ecstasy.  Rather it has to do with a searing clarity of mind and heart....Rarely are we ever in touch with our deepest center, without filters, purely; but when we are, that's what makes for a mystical experience."

Following Rolheiser's article, I picked up my morning meditation book, in which I read a reflection on a portion of the Rule of  St. Benedict:  Let us consider how we ought to behave in the presence of God and God's angels.  (Today is the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.)  The reflection begins with a quote from Minnesota poet Tom Hennen:

There are no creatures you cannot love.

 A frog calling at God
From the moon-filled ditch
As you stand on the country road in the June night.
The sound is enough to make the stars weep
With happiness.
And then the writer goes on to say:

 To sense each creature singing the hymn of its existence is to live joyfully in God's presence -- and in the presence of God's angels.  God's creation sings in the ordinary experiences of each day, each part of creation a voice in the chorus of worship of our Creator.  Every tree, every fish, every deer, every eagle is given a unique voice that harmonizes with that of the moon, the sun, the stars ---and with the angels and archangels and all the hosts and powers of heaven.  Let us sing the hymn of God's glory, as without end we acclaim, "Holy! Holy !Holy!"   (Father Michael Peterson, OSB)

Now that's what I'd call a mystical experience!   

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