Do not be amazed that I say to you, "You must be born from above....Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit...we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven---the Son of Man...whoever believes in Him is not condemned...this is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil...whoever lives by the truth comes into the light (Jn. 3, various).
What does it mean to be a "Christian"? Does it mean being baptized as an infant and attending church every Sunday? I have seen people who were baptized, who have attended church all their lives, and who do, like Jesus, "grow in knowledge, wisdom, and stature before God and man." I have seen them grow into disciples, followers of Jesus, those who study His words and "come into the light." But I have seen others, who though baptized and attended church, and who call themselves "Christian," do not really believe the words of Jesus, if they even know what He says. They are what Paul calls "carnal" Christians, or Christians according to the flesh. But it seems that they have never really been "born again," or "born from the Spirit." They follow the Law, but do not seem to follow Christ. Everything is measured out according to the effort they put forth to be a "Christian."
This pattern does not really fit that of Jesus' ministry on earth. He pulled out of darkness into His marvelous Light those who did not, could not, measure up to justice and holiness -- the tax-collectors, the sinner, the lame, the blind, the leper, the adulteress.... And once set free, they followed Him, proclaiming to all who would listen, "This is the One who set me free!" They no longer walked in darkness, but in the Light of the World. How many of us realize that the "Mary" out of whom Jesus cast 7 demons is the same "Mary" who sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to Him as a disciple, instead of helping her sister in the kitchen? How many of us know that this is the same "Mary" whose brother was Lazarus?
Those who listen to Him are His disciples. Those who "see the kingdom of God," as He promised Nicodemus, are His disciples. They are the ones who have been born of the Spirit, who have experienced a "new birth." My greatest desire is not to teach others about the kingdom of God, but rather to have those I love experience the new birth, the birth from above. Then, I can simply watch the action of the Holy Spirit in them, as He leads them "from glory to glory" in the discipleship of Jesus.
During the prayers of the faithful recently, one woman across the aisle from me prayed that we would all have purity of heart. One sentence was enough for me to know that this woman had been born from above. One who is born of the flesh only does not desire "purity of heart;" in fact, I would say that unless a person had been born again, she would not even know what "purity of heart" means.
Those who saw Jesus from the perspective of the flesh were scandalized by Him and looked for ways to kill Him. Those who saw Him from the perspective of the new birth were drawn to Him, even though they did not always understand the things He said. If we do not love Jesus Christ, if we do not seek His words, if we do not have a relationship with Him, we are still 'carnal' Christians. We need to seek the new birth He promised us through the Holy Spirit.
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