Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Spirit of Practical Wisdom

In 1978, Catherine Marshall published her classic book on the Holy Spirit called The Helper.  To this day, I have not seen a book more simple or more clear about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Her title says it all:  the Holy Spirit is given to us as a "Helper," the very same word in Hebrew as is given to Eve in Genesis -- she was given to Adam as a 'helper,' one called to be at Adam's side, to be one with him in all of life's endeavors.

In the Book of Exodus, YHWH tells Moses that He has filled Betzalel "with the Spirit of God in practical-wisdom, discernment and knowledge in all kinds of workmanship" in order that the "Holy Place," the "Tent of Meeting" might be built (31:2-3).  In the New Testament, the Spirit of Jesus has now been given to the believer that our lives and our hearts may be the new "Tents of Meeting" with the Holy God.  While we tend to think of the Holy Spirit as teaching and guiding us in spiritual matters, the truth is that He is also ---very much so -- the Spirit of Practical Wisdom.

Recently, someone said to me, "Every time I sit down to pray or meditate, I start thinking of all the things I need to get done that day.  Isn't that terrible that I get so distracted?"  I told her that I keep a notepad beside me during prayer time for that very reason -- but rather than seeing all those thoughts as distractions, I understand them to be the Voice of God's Spirit putting my day in order and reminding me of all the things I need to take care of.  What a peaceful, joyful approach to my day, to understand that The Helper is beside me, shepherding and showing me the direction in which I must go!

And He is most practical!  This morning, because my day was so full, I asked to be shown what I must do today.  And the very first thing that came to mind was, "Clean out the litter box!"  Does God have a sense of humor or what?  In the section of Catherine Marshall's book called "How the Helper Meets My Everyday Needs," she has a chapter on each of the following topics: 
  • He Saves Me Time
  • He Guides My Actions
  • He Protects Me
  • He is with Me in Everyday Situations
  • He is My Remembrancer
  • He Gives Me New Desires
  • He Changes My Undesirable Habit Patterns
I first read Marshall's book in the 70's.  Today, I could write my own chapter on each of her titles.  I have come to experience personally every one of the aspects of The Helper that Marshall herself wrote about.  In the next few days, I will write about some of the ways I experience The Helper's action in my daily life. 

When YHWH says in the Book of Genesis,"It is not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him," He was talking about Eve, who in joining Adam became "one flesh" (literally, "a new creation") with him.  From that time on, Adam was no longer one, but two-in-one-flesh.  The Holy Spirit is given to us for the same reason; we are no longer alone, but now two-in-one-flesh.  The Spirit of the Almighty has become the Senior Partner in the enterprise of our life--and He will never abandon or forsake us.  Let us greet Him each day as we greet our spouses, knowing that we are in this life together, each one helping the other.

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