Find freedom through seeking to please Me above all else. You can have only one Master. When you let others' expectations drive you, you scatter your energy to the winds. Your own desire to look good can also drain your energy. I am your Master, and I do not drive you to be what you are not. Your pretense displeases Me, especially when it is in My 'service.' Concentrate on staying close to Me at all times. It is impossible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on My Presence.
It seems to me that if every minister of any church would focus on remaining in the Presence of Jesus Christ, all inauthentic practice, and all scandals would disappear. Of course, we know and understand human nature. For many people, ministry sooner or later becomes a job instead of a ministry -- and when our lives are taken over by our "jobs," we are no longer authentic, for the demands of the job soon become our masters.
We have to look good in front of those who are looking to us for leadership -- and that often determines our choices. Or, we know we have power over others, and maintaining that authority becomes more important than service. Our image becomes our Master, and we serve that image above all else.
When I worked at Delgado as a classroom teacher, I was always seeking ways we could improve student learning and student success. Often that search caused some conflict among the faculty, as none of us really knew how to overcome the problems we faced in trying to teach students who were not always ready to learn. I remember once when the Office of Department Chair became open, and some of the faculty members came to me asking if I would apply for the position.
On the one hand, I felt that I could provide leadership for the department; on the other, I felt that the expectations of the college administration would drive every choice I made, and that I would be so overwhelmed that I would lose my passion for student learning. I prayed for several days about whether to apply for Department Chair. One day, in a very quiet moment in the Adoration Chapel at St. Clement of Rome Church, a strong voice spoke to me from within the depths of my soul: Do not assume a burden too heavy for you to carry!
That was my answer, and with it came a profound peace and rest. I no longer felt pressured by the expectations of other people for me to assume leadership because the Voice had confirmed my own fears of losing myself in the demands of the job.
I did not receive an increase in salary -- one motivation that could have driven my decision;
I did not receive honor from those around me; I did not assume importance in the eyes of men. I remained a classroom teacher focused entirely on the needs of my students -- the very thing I always thought I was called to do. When Jesus says, "I do not drive you to be what you are not," it reminds me of His teaching, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."
To know the truth of His teaching is, as the ad says, "Priceless!" To allow ourselves the freedom of following His Voice, His direction, and not to be driven by the expectations of others or the allure of greater wealth or the ambitions of our own flesh is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind. No wonder we sing and dance for joy when He is our only Master and Teacher!
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