Monday, April 1, 2013

School of the Holy Spirit

All things are new: the buds, the leaves
That gild the elm-tree's nodding crest,
And even the nest beneath the eaves;
There are no birds in last year's nest!
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The unexamined life is not worth living -- Socrates
Like the birds, we cannot live in 'last year's nest.'  We have outgrown it, and it has grown tired and stale, infected with vermin.  It was a good nest at the time; it sheltered us and gave us rest, and allowed us to grow beyond it.  But today, we are different; we carry the memories of yesterday, but we cannot live there.
One of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius of Loyola is the "examen," which is not the same thing as the "examination of conscience" that we were taught as children -- although there is a relationship between the two.  Igantius' examen is reflection at the end of the day, not so much on our sins, but on the day itself -- that is, on where we have gone during the day, and whether the path was desirable or not.  What are the effects of our choices for the day?  Are we pleased?  Do we rest easy, or are we still in turmoil over some of the events of the day?
Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."  I wonder how many of us go to bed each night not having learned a thing from the day.  The truth is that we are all, every day, in "the School of the Holy Spirit."  He is present to teach, to lead, to guide, to cast the light of Truth on every part of our lives.  The only requirement on our part is that we 'show up' for His lessons.  If we do not enter into His 'school' each day, both morning and evening, we run the risk of the unexamined life.  We run the risk of having to live in last year's "nest," a nest which we should have outgrown in 365 days.
How many times have I said to myself, "I'll never do that again!"  -- whether referring to a particular route never to drive again, or to a practice I tried out somewhere along the way.  A nurse in the doctor's office once confessed to me that she is diabetic and that she still smokes.  "I'm at the age where my body is beginning to punish me for the choices I've made along the way," she said.  I thought that was interesting.  Sometime, somewhere, somehow, either our bodies or our minds will begin to "punish" us for the choices we are making today.  That is why we need reflection time to process our choices, no matter how small they seem right now.
Whenever I fail to check in at the School of the Holy Spirit for a day, I spend the day feeling restless, ungrounded, undirected, not at peace -- a feeling I hate.  But I have learned something about myself and about God's action in my life, through noticing what's happening when I fail to pray.  And my 'examen' makes me turn again to my Source of Life, of Strength, of Truth, of Joy.  Psalm 78 says, "...he brought his people out like a flock; he led them like sheep through the desert" (v. 52).  And Psalm 32:
I will instruct you, and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you.
(alternate translation:  "Let me guide you with mine eye.")
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle
or they will not come to you (vv 8-9).
I cannot tell of the joy it is to know we are being taught, guided, and led each day by the Spirit of the Most High Wisdom of God!  To know we are not dependent on our own knowledge, strength, wisdom, insight, etc -- but that just as Jesus entered into the Upper Room through locked doors to bring peace to His Apostles, He also enters each day into my heart and mind when I am in attendance at the School of the Holy Spirit!

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