Thursday, March 7, 2013

But God....

Three years ago today, a surgeon sent me home to die.  After reviewing the results of my PET scan, he concluded that I had cancer in both lungs and there was nothing he could do.  "Chemotherapy is not effective with this kind of cancer," he told me, "and it has spread to both lungs.  There is nothing I can do."

But God had another idea.  I had seen the surgeon on a Friday afternoon, and he sent me home.  Nevertheless, I had perfect peace.  My husband and I shed a few tears when we got home, and held each other, but my peace was not disturbed -- even though I knew I was going to die. 

A few weeks previously, on February 22, my doctor had told me I had cancer.  But God had prepared me for this diagnosis at the end of January, even before I had had a CAT scan. ( That's another story.)  The reading from God Calling for Feb. 22 was this:

You must trust Me wholly.  This lesson has to be learned  You shall be helped, you shall be led, guided, continually.  The children of Israel would log before have entered the Promised Land--only their doubts and fears continually drove them back into the wilderness.  Remember always, doubts delay.  Are you trusting all to Me or not?
I have told you how to live and you must do it.  My children, I love you.  Trust My tender Love.  It will never fail you, but you must learn not to fail it.
Oh! could you see, you would understand.  You have much to learn in turning out fear and being at peace.  All your doubts arrest My work.  You must not doubt.  I died to save you from sin and doubt and worry.  You must believe in Me absolutely.
And part of the reading for the next day, "The Secret of Healing," was this:  Never forget that real healing of body, mind, and spirit comes from within, from the close loving contact your spirit with My Spirit.
It was not hard to trust God in this situation, because He had already done all the necessary work in my spirit ahead of time.  The next few days, I hardly thought at all about having cancer; it just seemed that I didn't need to worry about it.  I had already, since the end of January, begun cleaning things out of the attic in preparation for my death so that my kids would have less clutter to deal with.  But other than that, my life went on as usual.
Then, on Tuesday afternoon, following my visit to the surgeon on the previous Friday, he called me.  He told me that my pulmonologist did not believe that I had cancer in the left lung, despite the reading on the PET scan, but regardless, the pulmonologist wanted the right lung attended to.  So the surgeon agreed to operate on both lungs.  That Thursday, I underwent surgery, spent six weeks in recovery and here I am today.
The doctor said I would die...But God had another idea.....He told my pulmonologist something else.  How grateful I am!  And He protected my heart and mind with His perfect peace while He was working out His plans for me.  How grateful I am!  Today, I go for my 3rd year follow-up scan.  No matter what happens today or tomorrow, I am humbly grateful and joyful that God's plans for me can only be good and not evil (Jer. 31:11).  


  1. God had a better plan for your life and He was not through with you yet. I pray before He calls me home I will have completed the plan He has for my life. Please leave nothing unfinished.

  2. Happy anniversary! I hope to have many more years soaking up your spirited Sacred Spirit.
