Saturday, December 15, 2012

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Throughout Christian history, the Holy Spirit has been considered some kind of "force" or "energy," but not often as a real Person.  But as Baxter Kruger writes in The Shack Revisited,

Star Wars notwithstanding, you cannot grieve a force; you grieve a person.  A mere force, however strong, does not speak.  A power does not refer to itself as "I" or "me," search the deep thoughts of God, or lead prayer and worship.  A power does not love, or bear witness with our spirits that we are children of God. 
In the New Testament, the Spirit has her own mind, will, and ministry.  She speaks, informs, leads, guides and instructs.  She evaluates, appoints leaders, makes decisions, and gives gifts -- wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing.  She inspires witness to Jesus, convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; makes known the mystery of Christ; cries "Abba! Father!" in our hearts; and bears fruit in human life.  She strengthens, helps our weakness, comforts, brings liberty and freedom, gives fellowship, fills with joy, and produces life and peace.  [She teaches us to pray and prays in us when we don't know what to say -- my addition.]
She is referred to variously as the Spirit of God; the Spirit of truth; the Comforter or Helper; the Spirit of Jesus, of him who raised Jesus from the dead; the Lord; the eternal Spirit; the Spirit of adoption; the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; the Holy Spirit of promise; the Spirit of grace, of holiness, of glory; the firstfruits, pledge, or down payment.....
She loves and shares love, and creates fellowship with the Father and the Son, as well as among the people of God.  She has her own mind and will, has joy and gives joy.  In her presence, people come to know that they are loved by God; they are set free, and community forms around them.  The Spirit is profoundly other-centered, humble, patient, and good.  She loves communication, fellowship, and togetherness.  She is passionate for communion.
The Holy Spirit knows how to make the cosmos dance.  She found her man in Jesus, and now in Jesus, she has found us.  Her great joy is that she gets to be in the middle of it all and enjoy the love, healing, and abundant life she brings about in others (pp.103-105; selections).
I am so glad I'm reading Kruger's book, as I've found all these Scriptures about the Holy Spirit and known them to be absolutely true, but I don't think I could ever have put together all that I've experienced about the Holy Spirit in this way.  I needed to share this with everyone I know!

1 comment:

  1. Is love not a force which allows us to inhabit more than one person's body and soul simultaneously?
