I've been writing about man as a solar-powered creature, whose life-energy comes from the breath of God within. The spirit He has placed within us is like a satellite dish pointed to the heavens, searching for signals from beyond our physical sight. Every one of us has an internal satellite dish; the question is, "Where is it pointed? What signals is it tuned in to receive?"
The "natural man" (body and psyche) is tuned to the world around us, desperately trying to receive the things we need and want for survival: food, shelter, rest, etc for our physical bodies, and acceptance, emotional safety, recognition of worth for our souls (minds and emotions). Obviously, God does not place these desires in us if He does not intend for them to be satisfied. The fact that we are thirsty means that we are creatures designed to drink water. Jesus did not deny that we needed these things: Your father in heaven knows that ye have need of these. He simply said, Be not anxious about what you shall eat, or what you shall wear...., but seek first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be given to you besides.
Jesus wanted us to point the "satellite dish" of our hearts and minds to our heavenly Father, "who knows how to give good things to those who love Him." When we point our souls towards earth and others for what we need, we will be disappointed. No one has all the physical and emotional and mental resources to satisfy our souls. Even those with untold wealth are still restless for "something more."
Psalm 139 is the prayer of someone whose satellite dish is tuned into God as his source of life. He knows that from the moment of his conception, God saw "his unformed body" in his mother's womb. He knows that the Spirit of God has hovered over him his entire life, and that God has been thinking about him every moment of his life. This man -- David-- probably sang or prayed this prayer while hiding in caves, trying to escape Saul's army which was hunting him down to destroy him. David's only hope was in God's awareness of where he was and God's everlasting kind "thoughts" toward him. At that moment, David had no one and nothing else to rely upon but God alone.
When that time comes for all of us, our satellite dish will be focused on God, Who is our Source of all good things. Psalm 37 says, Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. To "delight ourselves" in the Lord means to look to Him, to remain open to Him, to remain pliable before Him, and to yield to His purpose for our lives. This is to seek first the kingdom of God in us -- everything else will follow.
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