Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Being Present

I seem to be coming to a point in my life where I see that what the Spirit is demanding of me is only that I be truly present to others---
Macrina Wiederkehr: A Tree Full of Angels

One of the many things I've learned from gardening is to not look backward -- i.e., over plants that didn't make it,-- nor to look forward, but to look around---to see what is immediately in front of me, what needs to be done in the moment--in terms of assistance, repair work, prevention of future problems.

Despite our best efforts, some things will not survive; some, only for short time; and some will take root permanently.  What we can do is to be present and supportive, bringing whatever resources we have to that moment. 

Recently, I read an article by a nurse who at times could do little to alleviate suffering or to prevent death.  Gradually, she came to realize that what she could do was to be "fully attentive to the present moment...of those who were sick and suffering."  That experience, according to her reflection, "...gave her a reference point in developing the capacity to be patient, to be understanding of the human condition, to be non-judmental, and to be respectful."

Our role sometimes consists in this:  to be present, to accompany others in their search, to listen attentively, to allow creativity, and to give space to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of those we love.*

Sometimes there is nothing more we can do.  To accept that fact is to live out the words of Micah the Prophet:

He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God (6:8).

*from "Being a Carmelite: To Listen, To Allow, and To Yield to the Spirit" by Sister Maryphilip Surban, O. Carm.  [Contemplatives in Action, July 2011].

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