Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fire and Ice

I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and what would I but that it be kindled?

We must ultimately realize that doctrine and theology does not save---the words are only an attempt to analyze and explain our experience of God's love, shown to us, incarnated, in the life of His Son.

It is fire from the passionate heart of Jesus that sweeps across the world.  The tongues of fire at Pentecost distributed to his followers a part of his burning love for the world.  Wounded by man's lack of trust, crowned with the thorns of the field, scourged with whips of fear and hatred, nailed helplessly to a cross, He still loved the sons of mankind.  That is the love He shares with those who love Him.

He sets us on fire with His passionate love.  He wants to be with us; He wants to know and partake in each thought and feeling of our lives.  He is hurt by our neglect and indifference; He still groans under the weight of our hatred for one another:  "What you do to the least of mine, that you do unto me."

We must catch the fire from the heart of Christ toward the wounded, the broken, the lonely, the scared, the forgotten, the downtrodden and oppressed.  We must allow it to burn in us until we can no longer contain it.

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