Thursday, July 22, 2010

Establishing the Corners of our lives

What has been put under our control and power?  What belongs to us?  It is only in these areas where we can truly pray, "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done."

I like to think of my property lines as having 4 corners, or pillars, established by God.  Every time I have moved, I have asked Him to establish the corners of the property---and this can be true also for those who live in apartments.  I wait in prayer for revelation of each corner, because the answers don't always come at the same time.  Once I have the foundation stones, I continue to pray "into" each corner that has been given to me.  For example, one of my "corners" where I am now living is "Protection."  Whenever I am in that edge of the property, or just looking in that direction, I ask for God's protection not only on the property, but on those who live there and on those who visit. 

Within the property lines, there are many issues and concerns that make up my life.  I like to think of these issues as the "ten acres" given to me to cultivate.  As a farmer divides his ten acres into smaller fields with different crops, I picture family, friends, finances, health, work, etc. as smaller divisions of the ten acres.  All need attention at different times; all need the peace, harmony, goodness, and truth of the kingdom of God.  Here is where I can pray "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done."  While I can enlarge my vision to include the entire world in that  prayer, it is only my own ten acres for which I have responsibility and some sort of control.  Praying over my small domain makes the Our Father come alive!

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