Sunday, November 8, 2009

All God asks of us is that we allow Him the freedom to dwell fully in us and to act in us.  God is He Who acts:  He eternally and always creates, gives life, fills the earth with His fullness;  He eternally and always redeems, re-creates what has been damaged, makes all things new again;  He eternally and always sanctifies, inspires, enlightens, breathes life and animates, unites, gives hope and enfolds us in love

No particle of creation is too lost that He canot restore it; no sin is so great that He cannot redeem and make new what has been destroyed; no soul has grown so cold that He cannot warm it.  Why must man feel always lost and abandoned when the Spirit of God begs entry and permission to act within us?

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the sorrowful with the warmth of your love!

1 comment:

  1. Because we were taught that God was one of the Billy Goats Gruff tryoing to keep us from crossing the bridge to salvation.
