Denice DeBlanc posted this prayer on FB this morning; I had never seen it before, but I love it. I had come upstairs to write about Simplicity, and I found this prayer, which resonated in my soul. It just seems so simple and true!
Many years ago, I was sitting in my office at the College, doing my work, when suddenly, without preamble, the Lord spoke to me---or, I will say it this way, because there was nothing dramatic or unusual about it at all ---- the thought went through my mind: Who are your favorite people in the Bible? If I had had time to reflect on that question, I might have become paralyzed by indecision, but as the question came to me in the midst of a workday, and as I was not sitting in meditation, I did not reflect at all, but just answered without thought: Enoch, Deborah, Abraham.
Then the Lord spoke again: Walk with Me; Sit with Me; Stand with Me!
I could not have made this up: it was too simple and too complex and fit together too perfectly, all at the same time. In fact, I had to puzzle it out later, away from work, and I even had to look up the story of Abraham once again to understand how that fit into the picture---but I did find something in the story I had never before seen:
...but Abraham remained standing before the Lord (Gen. 18:22).
Of course, I looked up the story some days later, as I was reflecting on that moment at work and decided to find out what it meant to "stand with God." But I remember being so arrested by that revelation at work that I went out and told my secretary what I had just heard. (She and I used to share moments like that.) I remember understanding what it meant at the time, but also knowing that I would need more time and reflection to build it into my heart and soul and body.
That is why I so love the prayer of Thomas Aquinas that I found this morning---and the timing of it. While I am still recalling an incident of so many years ago, and still reflecting on its implications for my life, this prayer suddenly appears: give us understanding to know you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, and a faithfulness to finally embrace you..."
How simple! Just like Walk with Me (as did Enoch); Sit with Me (as did Deborah); and Stand with Me (as did Abraham). If I had no other directions or words for the rest of my life, it seems these words, faithfully followed, would lead me directly to heaven! Amen. Let it be so forever!
No more postings until Feb. 8.